Dave the Nomad

This week was a bit of a roller-coaster in terms of mood and energy, and recognizing that is essential in making sure I give myself time to recharge and reset. Overall, though, I'm feeling more engaged with life, which has improved my baseline mood and well-being.

Thanks to @AnokheeTara@ohai.social for the inspiration for some of the sections in this post – and for the inspiration in sharing this regularly!


All throughout my 20s and most of my 30s, I'd have these great ideas for ways to improve my life: writing in a journal, or making a schedule for myself, or organizing all the projects and hobbies I love. More often than not, none of those things would ever get accomplished. Demands of life would get in the way. I'd completely forget about them, as if I never had the idea in the first place. As a result, years would go by and I would wonder where the time went and why I never did those things.

Other times, when faced with unexpected free time, I'd squander it because I couldn't make a decision on what to do with that time. So many hobbies and projects, so many things vying for my interest and my time, where do I even start?

Does this sound like you? Are there things you want to do, then forget to do, only to remember later and think, “oh, right, I wish I did that more often!”?


After last week's post, I started going down a rabbit hole of research on indecision, because I recognized that I was struggling to make decisions where there's no clear upside or downside.

That led to going down an ADHD rabbit hole, buying a book called Driven to Distraction, and almost finishing it in the span of a couple of days. This coming from the guy who has been reading two other books for the last 3 months and is nowhere close to finishing them. Fixation much?


I struggle with writing consistently. As I begin writing this post, I'm feeling incredibly self-conscious: who cares about my life? Who cares what I did or how I felt in January? Who cares what I'm hoping to accomplish in February?

I feel the same way about writing for my travel blog: like everything I write has to have a clear purpose and be useful or helpful in some way. If I'm not providing clear value in the form of tips or suggestions or advice, then who cares? Who cares about my travels?


How did you spend your day yesterday?

Are you satisfied with how your time was spent? Did you spend time on things that are important to you? Or did you spend it reacting to the priorities of others, losing your own priorities in the process?